
As usual, it's always been a while for me hehe :D

Honestly, with all regrets I've had before seems to change into a pretty much, not happiness but leisure.
I've never had this lot of free time with class cancel (even though we have to ganti kelas)
No pressure at all. No many lab reports, no lots of assignment, quizzes of many chapter..very chill.
My laziness is growing up day by day and I'm fine with that anyway :D

Another life story,
So I'm not done with my crush yet. Actually I almost done until that one day. So my crush haven't see any of my instastory since...a month ago I guess? I'm not sure, but it's been a while to see his name on the list. And since I'm moving on from him, and since he "stop" open my instastory, I've decided to mute his instastory because I also don't want to see his instastory xD I'm so childish aite? :D
THEN! LATER I uploaded one instastory and u know whut?! He look at my instastory!!! WHY?! WHY YOU! WHY WHEN I JUST MUTED YOU! HAHAHAHAH! I'm so feeling so easy...we're really not meant to be together...nahh...I'll move on xP